Jan | Virtual garden talks, mystery muncher, lazy gardening is good for bees | Rhus integrifolia (lemonade berry) | Meyer lemons | nectaries |
Feb | Winter nectar, imperiled peat, seed longivity | Narcissus tazetta (bunch-flowered narcissus) | kumquats | nectaries again |
Mar | Grape hyacinths and snowflakes, faux turf, mosquitos | Acmispon glaber (deerweed) | pot marigold | Family Fabaceae |
Apr | Flowers in the Demo Garden, weeds, Whoville alliums | Phacelia campanularia (California bluebells) | lemon balm | multiflorus and multifoliate |
May | Aloes and agaves, two "sages", favorite weed | Hippeastrum papilio (butterfly amaryllis) | Greek oregano | whorled |
Jun | Photos and info from readers, airplane plant-good or bad? | Campanula poscharskyana (Serbian bellflower) | borage | Asparagaceae |
Jul | Coffee grounds, red/white/blue, stinkhorn, butterfly list | Spathiphyllum spp (peace lily) | thyme | spadix |
Aug | Member article about solitary bees, peperomia bloom | Plumeria spp | corn | caryopses |
Sep | Green fruit beetle, geranium or pelargonium, dividing perennials | Encelia californica (bush sunflower) | tarragon | trichomes |
Oct | Garden design, mud dauber, bulbs | Nicotiana quadrivalvis (annual tobacco) | Brussel sprouts | Brassicaceae |
Nov | Reprise: good soil, beneficials, mushrooms | Cercis occidentalis (western redbud) | African blue basil | beneficials |
Dec | Seeds, chia, poinsettias, nematodes, native groundcovers, ric rac cactus | Heteromeles arbutifolia (toyon) | butternut squash | berry |
Jan | Spore v seed, sweet olive, Homegrown National Park, companion planting | Phacelia distans | cabbage (cole slaw recipe) | scorpiod cyme |
Feb | Heirlooms, bolting, planting under oaks | Acmispon glaber (deerweed) | cilantro | nitrogen fixing |
Mar | Two champion naturalizers, reducing the garden's carbon footprint, cyclamen | Pandorea pandorana "Golden Showers" | Jalapenos | Scoville scale |
Apr | Monocarpic plants, starting seedlings | Aeonium arboreum (tree aeonium) | tomatoes | xylem v phloem |
May | Garden Tour photos, photos from members, crane fly | Centranthus ruber (red valerian) | asparagus | opposite leaves |
Jun | Blooms in the Ecological Walk demo gardens, getting the most from your vegetable patch | Delphinium cardinale (scarlet larkspur) | mint | bisexual |
Jul | Important message from the Board, caudiciform plants, two less often considered features of good wildlife habitat | Rosa chinensis "mutabilis" | blueberries | Family Ericaceae |
Aug | Photos of demo garden progress, some current bloomers, info on watering | Salvia mellifera (black sage) | garlic | allium genus |
Sep | Blarney Castle photos, do offspring look like parents?, field bindweed, creeping fig | Leymus condensatus (giant wild rye) | plums | Family Moreaceae |
Oct | Making gardening easier, garlic chives, zonal pelargonium reaching up high! | Lessingia filaginifolia (California aster) | peas | armed |
Nov | Chrysanthemums, garden soil, watering with a plastic bag, two gardens to visit | Pentagramma triangularis (gold-backed fern) | carrots | tillers |
Dec | Starfish flower, poinsettias, square foot gardening, trees for fall color | Cercis occidentalis (western redbud) | Kale | brassica variation |
Jan | Recycled concrete, pruning roses, starting seeds, heavy metals in dried herbs | Rosa mutabilis
| Mexican limes | Damping off |
Feb | Cymbidiums, update on Monarchs, BFS milkweed, Ventura Botanic Garden, putting diseased prunings in green waste bin | Ericameria pinifolia (pinebush) | broccoli | pruning above a bud |
Mar | Yellow camellia, yellow chasmanthe, Arum italicum, reasons to avoid peat moss, peas to plant now | Leucojum vernum (snowflakes) | turnip leaves | spathe |
Apr | Island morning glory, three to complement the morning glory, thug of the month, turn out the lights! | Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' (moneywort) | French tarragon | Naturalised |
May | Ladybug emergence photos, Acorus gramineus, iris types | Euonymus japonicus (Japanese spindle) | pomegranate | standards and falls |
Jun | Lavatera, chard, nettles, salad burnet flowers, acanthus, sprouting potato, monarch caterpillar | Lobelia erinus (edging lobelia) | apples | pome |
Jul | Some garden compatriots, making birds happy, suckers, alpine strawberris, hoya blossoms, weeding among natives | Euonymus japonicus (Japanese spindle) | sugar snap peas | aestivate |
Aug | Bromeliad blooms, value of trees, amaryllis and crinum, request for recommendations | Prunus ilicifolia (hollyleaf cherry) | purslane | fruit v vegetable |
Sep | Items from members, 2022-2023 schedule, lemonade berry, nativars | Rhus ovata (sugarbush) | mint | arborescent |
Oct | The problem with common names, microclimates, avocados | Frangula californica (coffeeberry) | avocados | drupe |
Nov | Light and monarchs, soaker hoses, Gladwin iris, companion planting, leaf variety | Ruellia simplex (Mexican petunia) | Brussels sprouts | cruciferous |
Dec | Autumn colors | Dichelostemma capitatum (Blue dicks) | Roger's Red grape | lobed leaves |
Jan | Fall Color, umbrella tree, foiling critters | Euryops species (golden bush daisy)
| marjoram | palmately and pinnately compound leaves |
Feb | Deformed lemons, petty spurge, help ID-ing a liriope, choose camellias, winter fragrance, reader photos | Bougainvillea | Bearrs lime | bracts |
Mar | Silver wattle, amsinckia, chasmanthe, snowflakes, snail damage, ants | Cyclamen persicum | violets | nectar robbers |
Apr | Ideas for replacing turf in parking strip, assorted pink bloomers, various interesting items | Viburnum tinus "Spring Bouquet" | basil | old belief that tomatoes are poisonous |
May | Verbena lilacina, Lunaria, owls, dwarf fruit trees, notes on vegetable gardening, green waste, chives, rose rootstock | Iris douglasiana (Pacific Coast iris) | salad burnet | galls |
Jun | Layering sage, nasty v tropism, orange flowers, managing bugs | Hydrangea quercifolia (oakleaf hydrangea | Pineapple guava | nectar spurs |
Jul | San Gabriel Nursery, ferns that do well in the heat | Mimulus aurantiacus (monkey flower) | lovage | sori |
Aug | Camellia viruses, letting herbs bloom, ollas and vegetables to plant now, tobacco hornworms, fragrant plant for August | Epiphyllum oxypetalum (Queen of the Night) | cucumber | samaras |
Sep | Warm colors-hummingbird sage, umbrella tree, rose hips; carpenter bees, cycad scale, possible squirrel deterrent | Caesalpinia pulcherimma (Mexican bird of paradise) | peaches | zygomorphic and actinomorphic |
Oct | Purple, blue, and white fall flowers, adventitious roots, where ladybugs go | Delphinium parryi (Parry's larkspur) | fennel seed | umbels |
Nov | Gladwyn iris, purple heart, paintbrush lily, orchid cactus from seed, rose hip tea, guavas, fall cleanup deferred, high pollen days increase | Viola x wittrockiana (pansies) | lemon and lime thyme | hips |
Dec | Changing flower color, winter berries, starfish flower, bay scale, ric-rac cactus | Acuba japonica (gold dust plant) | fennel (cutting down) | umbel |
Jan | Tropisms and nasties, string of pearls or bananas, lawn replacements, update on citrus greening | Alpinia zerumbet "Variegata" (shell ginger) | parsley | thigmotropism in vines |
Feb | Mystery milkweed, invitation to join Board, Flower Show, citrus pests | Eriophyllum confertiflorum (golden yarrow) | prickley pear | spines and glochids |
Mar | Some ideas for a native garden | Helleborus orientalis (Lenten rose) | beets | palmate leaves |
Apr | Garden design, amazing violets | Bletilla striata (Chinese ground orchid) | marjoram | veins in monocot and dicot leaves |
May | Photos from members | Dietes iridiodes (fortnight lily) | red cabbage | # petals monocot v dicot |
Jun | Saving poppy seed, Matilija poppies, Black Gamecock iris | Kalanchoe blossfeldiana | Nevin's barberry | succulent definition |
Jul | Streptocarpus, bird bath, preventing loss of birds, homemade insect spray, fun veggies, native shrubs for birds | Kniphofia cultivars (red hot poker) | apricots | chemicals that give plants color |
Aug | Citrus greening treatment, shell ginger, online talks, Crinum moorei, Queen of the Night, edible flowers, bee houses | Rosa californica (California wild rose) | pomegranate | epiphytes |
Sep | Hoyas, mystery marauder, katydids, tumbleweeds, peperomia | Plumgago auriculata (plumbago) | winter savory | leaf scars |
Oct | Two tools, fall nectar plants, stapelias, spotted spurge, planning a native garden | Ericameria pinefolia (pinebush) | pineapple sage | needle-like leaves |
Nov | Beneficial insects, saffron crocus, cane begonias, native milkweed, link to fruit tree pdf, source for wood chip mulch | Haemanthus albolis (paintbrush lily) | alpine strawberry | capitate |
Dec | Photo contest winners | Amaryllis belladona (naked ladies) | green onions | locule |
Jan | Corey Nursery, rooting willows, sprouting tomatoes, blooming Turk's Cap, bird nest fungus, Japanese maple leaves, December mystery plant identified | Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' | tangerines | Mallow family |
Feb | Moorten Garden, mychorrizal fungi, monarch butterflies | Aspidistra elatior (cast iron plant) | tomatilloes | husk |
Mar | Yard Art talk, Moon Valley tour, aloe "Blue Elf', aloe mites, peas, mystery camellia, Aechmea gamopetala | Crassula multicava (fairy crassula) | pink lemonade lemon | legume |
Apr | Superbloom, vegetables for shade, root knot nematodes, open pollination/hybrids/heirlooms | Lotus berthelotii (parrot's beak) | acorn squash | scorpiod cyme |
May | Garden tour photos, Allium triquetum, Allium neapolitanum, Fullerton Arboretum threat, Sedum rupestre "Angelina" | Centranthus ruber (valerian) | winter savory | definition of "naturalized" |
Jun | Adelaide museum, bee houses, fabric bed, root guard, member photos, Serbian bellflower | Gazania rigens (African daisy) | mulberry | multiple fruit |
Jul | Bee swarm, variegation loss, fire safety, carbon storage, evening primrose and sphinx moth caterpillars | Aquilegia chrysantha (golden columbine) | golden elderberry | flower spur |
Aug | Orienpet lily, orange ice plant, Maloof garden, seen around | Salvia chamaedryoides (germander sage) | comfrey | grey leaves |
Sep | Uncommon Good donation, orb weaver, mystery fungus, maze, manzanita galls, Claremont rules for front landscapes | Rudbeckia hirta and R. maxima (coneflower) | Brassica flowers | galls |
Oct | Balboa Park, agave vs aloe, mountain mahogany, epiphytes | Clematis lasiantha (chaparral clematis)
| golden currant | nitrogen fixing |
Nov | Storrier Stearns and Arlington gardens, where do bees go in winter?, why some flowers have lost their scent, home remedies | Euonymus japonicus "aureo marginata" (golden euonymus) | pineapple sage | thorn v spine v prickle |
Dec | Bird's nest fern, cyclamen, autumn color, fig wasp, juvenile v adult foliage | Heteromeles arbutifolia (toyon) | spaghetti squash | parthenocarpy |
Jan | Looking for new Board members, mulefat, chandelier plant, nightshade family, poinsettias | Encelia farinosa (brittlebush) | tomatilloes | calyx |
Feb | Camellias, request for photos for Garden Art talk, botanical "volunteers" | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (hibiscus) | amaranth | lobes or leaflets? |
Mar | When to work wet ground, Iresine herbstii, Jasminum polyanthum, new Board member | Hadroanthus impetiginosis (pink trumpet tree) | loquats | palmate and pinnate leaves |
Apr | Garden Tour, new Board members, making garden a good place for wildlife, Flower Show, Great Sunflower Project, notes on tomatoes | Disticis buccinatoria (red trumpet vine) | pot marigold | tendrils |
May | Garden Tour photos, Oxalis pes-caprae, dormant buds in woody stems | Watsonia aletroides | nasturtium | peltate |
Jun | Ruth Bancroft garden, CBWCD tour, Ruellia brittoniana, Louisiana iris | Leptospermum species | Alpine strawberries | what are succulents? |
Jul | Spadix, String of Pearls, California thistle | Passiflora spp | variegated basil | stipules |
Aug | Heat damage, fairy gardens, Cuphea "Vermillionaire", Cup of Gold vine, asparagus fern, Mexican feather grass | Fallopia baldschuanica (Russian vine) | dill | umbels |
Sep | Liriopes, Oxalis triangularis, "Succulent Senorita" | Ipomoea spp (morning glory) | leeks | spike |
Oct | Dog-Friendly Gardening, Sherman Garden, Celosia "Intenz", hanging basket idea, paperwhite tip, grasshoppers, two hummingbird plants | Begonia spp (cane begonias) | cilantro (coriander) | monoecious vs dioecious |
Nov | Wildflowers, microclimate, value of trees | Euphorbia tirucalli (sticks on fire) | lemon verbena | moss |
Dec | CGLHS conference, Marin Art and Garden Center, Orange Jessamine, earthballs, mystery tree | Strobilanthes dyerianus (Persian Sheild) | saffron crocus | phylloclades and cladodes |
Jan | Vegetative reproduction-clones, Plant Safari nursery, Master Gardener training, cottony hydrangea scale | Lonicera x heckrottii (“Pink lemonade” honeysuckle) | Green onions | Peltate |
Feb | Poisonous plants, library move, shot-hole borer; donation to Green Crew | Helleborus species (Christmas or Lenten roses) | Radicchio | Vascular tissue |
Mar | Flower show/tour ads, pretty weeds, mantis case, Gil garden raised beds, dog house, faux turf weeds | Camellia chrysantha (Golden camellia) | Sorrel | Oxalic acid |
Apr | Redbud/ceanothus in Anderson garden, Scilla peruviana, Bt, echevaria/Isabelle Moon, petty spurge | Lunaria annua (Honesty) | Green beans | Milky sap |
May | Garden tour photos, coyotes, sphinx moth | Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem sage) | Borage | pH |
Jun | May meeting, Arboretum field trip, plant labels, geranium show, sansiveria flowers | Calendula officinale (Pot marigold) | Pineapple guava | Moth-pollinated flowers |
Jul | Chaparral donation, Annie’s Annuals, seed libraries, cycads | Cycas revoluta (Sago palm) | Stevia | Transpiration |
Aug | Cacti vs Euphorbs, seed saving/goldfinches, transplanting spiny plants | Leonotis leonurus (Lion’s tail) | Sage | Cycad seeds |
Sep | Chihuly exhibit, evening primrose, concrete block planter, crape myrtles, Azalea Park | Geranium pratense (Meadow cranesbill) | Oregano | Shedding bark |
Oct | Cole crops, spores v seeds, citrus greening | Epiphyllum oxypetalum (Queen of the Night) | Chives | Nocturnal vs diurnal |
Nov | New website, Ikebana, light pollution, bats | Camellia sasanqua | African blue basil | Thryse |
Dec | Houseplant hints, insect decline, gardening myths | Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise) | Cabbage | Umbel |
Jan | Fullerton Arboretum, Las Vegas Botanic Garden, pruning, praying mantis | Rhus ovata (Sugarbush) | Meyer lemon | xylem and phloem |
Feb | Sustainable lawn care, neonicotinoids, pruning strap-leaved plants | Aloe hybrids (aloes) | Chard | rosette plants |
Mar | Rancho Los Alamitos, species/hybrid/variety/cultivar, edible flowers | Camellia japonica (camellia) | Carrots | bolting |
Apr | Planting a meadow, invasive species | Dendromicon harfordii (Island bush poppy) | Chervil | nodes and etiolation |
May | Garden tour photos, donations, ollas, starting seeds indoors | Sphaeralcea ambigua (Desert mallow) | Shallots | nectar |
June | Garden art, composting, squirrels | Peritoma arborea (bladderpod) | Lettuce | humus |
July | Stinkhorn, pallet bed, mulch, tea mite, leaf scorch | Carex divulsa (Berkeley sedge) | Fennel | fertile vs sterile fronds |
Aug | Types of shade, clover N-fix, rose, pitcher, water trees | Malosma laurina (Laural sumac) | Shallots | color change when pollinated |
Sept | Pelargoniums v geraniums, potluck. green fruit beetle, anise swallowtail | Agave attenuata (“Blue flame” agave) | Cauliflower | meaning of x and var |
Oct | Fall at the BFS; what are WUCOLS; light pollution; past GC talks; orange dog, bolas spider | Rosa rugosa (beach rose) | Mint | trichomes |
Nov | Good soil, beneficial insects, cottony cushion scale | Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (Turk’s cap) | Beet | lenticels |
Dec | Humus, nectar thieves, pruning natives, landscape fair | Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Red bird of paradise) | Napa cabbage | parthenocarpy |
Jan | Climate zones, genetic diversity, strawberries, bare root trees | Heteromeles arbutifolia (Toyon) | Lemon balm | plant hairs |
Feb | Garden design principles, scale, poinsettias, last year’s seed packets | Romneya coulteri (Matilija poppy) | Mandarins | rhizomes |
Mar | Menlo Park, Descanso Gardens, native bee nests, birds and windows, flies in houseplants | Billbergia nutans (Queen’s Tears) | Apples | caudex |
Apr | Tomato talk reprise, nutsedge, whitefly | Brugmansia arborea (Angel’s Trumpet) | Eggplant | seed dormancy |
May | Garden tour photos, variegated leaves, some agaves | Prosopis species (Mesquite) | Cantaloupe | complete vs perfect flowers |
Jun | Water Conservation Garden in El Cajon; plants for under oaks; raised bed ideas, watering restrictions | Eriogonum fasciculatum (Buckwheat) | Blackberry | batology |
July | Ferns and spores, tree poem, gardening for wildlife, butterfly guide | Caliandra californica (Baja Fairy Duster) | Summer squash | spadix |
Aug | Native strawberries, stream orchid, watering handout; spittlebug | Schefflera species (Umbrella tree) | Peach | clone |
Sept | Bermuda grass, dividing perennials, soaker hose and quick couplers | Cosmos sulphureus (Orange cosmos) | Sunflower | achenes |
Oct | Small trees, collecting seeds, Monarch populations | Cotoneaster horizontalis (contoneaster) | Hollyleaf cherry | pea flower anatomy |
Nov | Succulent wreath talk, garden mushrooms, garden supply places | Crinum moorei (crinum) | Potatoes | corms |
Dec | Autumn leaves, chia, frost, uprooted tree | Acuba japonica (gold dust plant) | Thyme | aromatic compounds |
Jan | Pruning roses; starting seeds indoors | Rosa mutabilis | Kumquat | flower structure |
Feb | Square Ft gardening | Chasmanthe floribunda (African flag) | Elderberry | seed structure |
Mar | Attracting butterflies | Clivia miniata (Clivia) | Rhubarb | perennials treated as annuals |
Apr | Orchids, Info about Garden Tour, dividing plants | Phacelia minor (Calif. Canterbury bells) | Bay | monoecious vs dioecious |
May | Garden Tour photos, bees, ants, bolting | Epiphyllum hybrids (Orchid cacti) | Avocado | monocarpic plants |
Jun | Earth Day photos, grasshoppers, pruning wisteria, reusing pots | Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea) | Basil | bracts |
Jul | Field trip to Tejon Ranch, Oregon rose garden, solarization, wasps | Lychnis chalcedonica (Maltese Cross) | Corn | crested plants |
Aug | Potluck, bromeliads, Sunset idea house, invasive plants | Oxalis triangularis (Purple shamrock) | Savory | offsets |
Sept | Hedges, hybrids, seed saving, planting carrots and radishes together | Ribes speciosum (Fuschia-flowered gooseberry) | Purslane | multiple fruit strawberry |
Oct | Weeds, Mildred Mathies garden, lending library | Penstemon spectabilis (Showy penstemon) | Romanesco broccoli | bulliform cells |
Nov | Leafminers, powdery mildew, CBWCD garden, Seaside Gardens, Xerces Society | Cercis occidentalis (Redbud) | Pineapple guava | biennial plants |
Dec | Succulents, how to know how much to irrigate, Saxifraga sarmentosa | Stapelia grandiflora (Starfish flower) | Fennel | axis/axil/axillary/apical |
Feb | Welcome, avoiding freeze damage | Encelia californica (Calif. sunflower) | Carrots | nodes and internodes |
Mar | Pruning info, Natives to grow | Hardenbergia violacea (Australian lilac vine) | Rosemary | petiole/vblade, sessile |
Apr | Sq Ft gardening; 3 gardens to visit | Mimulus aurnatiacus (Monkeyflower) | Sorrel | alternate/opposite/whorled |
May | Field trip to the BFS, Maloof Garden, UCC garden tour; wildlife habitat certification | Iris douglasii (Pacific Coast iris) | Artichokes | entire/teeth |
June | Member plant photos; waterwise lawn; planting from 6-packs | Opuntia littoralis (Prickly pear) | Romaine | leaf tip variation |
July | Santa Barbara gardens; companion planting | Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax) | Scarlet runner beans | vegetable vs fruit |
Aug | Bromeliads; when to fertilize; using pool water for irrigation; figs | Duranta erecta variegata (Skyflower) | Figs | pollination |
Sept | Begonia show, beetle larvae, fragrant plants | Vitis californica (“Roger’s Red” grape) | Mesclun | tubers |
Oct | Chicken field trip, recommended tomatoes, tips on replacing lawn, pruning hydrangeas | Hoya carnosa (Waxflower) | Lemon grass | adventitious parts |
Nov | Chrysanthemum show; info from Tree Action Group; Impatiens downy mildew | Punica granatum (Pomegranate) | Malabar spinach | allelopathy |
Dec | Succulent show; autumn color; cold weather damage | Hippeastrum species (Amaryllis) | Kale | bulbs |