Flower Show Signup 000s2sdefault Name Email Phone Number Categories A Garden SceneEntries must be no more than 15” in any dimension and should depict a sceneAccessories such as figurines and natural materials such as pebbles, wood, sphagnum moss are permittedPlants may be rooted/rooting in soil or be cut flowers; no artificial flowers Succulent CenterpieceSuitable for centerpiece at a dinner party; may consist of several containers but total length not over 30”Accessories and natural materials such as pebbles, wood, sphagnum moss are permittedPlants may or may not be rooted and container(s) may or may not include soil Single Bloom or InflorescenceA vase will be provided by the Flower ShowOne stem only; one flower like a rose or a grouped inflorescence like a hyacinthMust be from exhibitor’s garden; no foliage below the water line.Judged by comparing specimen to what would be an excellent specimen Branch of Flowering or Fruiting Shrub or TreeMaximum length of 30”; must include several nodes and an apical tipMust be from exhibitor’s garden; should be presented in a complementary containerJudged by comparing to an ideal specimen of the species and how well it is displayedArrangements Should be cut plant material, not rooted, no soil Materials may be from the garden, a florist, or a market unless otherwise stated Accessories and bases permitted unless otherwise stated (see Glossary in Rules) Theme arrangement: “The wonderful world of books!” Foliage: No flowers; all foliage must be from exhibitor’s private garden; no accessories In the Japanese Manner: Ikebana-inspired; emphasis on shape, line, and form Found/Junk/Repurposed Container: Container no larger than 15” in any dimension; no accessories Edible: Only edible plant parts (herbs, fruit, vegetables, edible flowers/seeds are all fine) The Butterfly Garden: Plants that support adult butterflies or caterpillars In the Pink: All flowers are shades of pink Anything Goes: Vase of any flowers, fruits, weeds, stems, or foliage grown in exhibitor’s garden Organizations: an arrangement that reflects the organization’s purpose; one per groupChildren (up to 11 years) Child - Flowers and Figurines: The arrangement includes one or more figurines or the vase is a figurine Child - What is a Garden? A creation that illustrates some aspect of a real garden Child - Anything Goes! Vase of garden-grown flowers, fruits, weeds, stems, or foliageYouth (12 to 16 years) Youth - Flowers and Figurines: The arrangement includes one or more figurines or the vase is a figurine Youth - What is a Garden? A creation that illustrates some aspect of a real garden Youth - Anything Goes! Vase of garden-grown flowers, fruits, weeds, stems, or foliage▶ For both Children and Youth, arrangements must be their own creation.Send Form by ChronoForms - ChronoEngine.com